Registration Process

All participants are required to register online through our conference website.


  1. Sign up / Login
  2. Submit Abstract (if applicable).
  3. Acceptance of Abstract  (if applicable) by the organizer.
  4. The payment of registration fee / accommodation etc. should be made through Phone Pe / Google pay /  DD / Cheque /Account transfer (Please check the Payment Methods for the account details). Please note that no extra charge for this payment.
  5. Receive the registration / accommodation confirmation mail from the organizer. 
  6. Join the conference on the schedule dates.


The registration fees / other fees once paid to our account will not be refunded.

However, in case the payment is failed but the amount is deducted from the account, it will take up to 24 hours for the payment gateway to get the actual status with the acquiring bank in such a type of transaction. If the final status is failed then the transaction is auto-refunded to the customer whereas if it is successful then the payment is settled to us.